395 E Taylor St
San Jose. CA 95112
At Davenriche Special Operations Command's (DSOC) Killhouse, we offer a unique, niche, indoor, changeable
airsoft experience.

DSOC Killhouse is proud to be partnering with Armourdillo Airsoft.
If you need your airsoft weapons repaired or are looking for new equipment just reach out to us or Armourdillo Airsoft.
Next Games On March 29 & 30

What is D.S.O.C.

All players must be minimum 15 years old

What is a 'Killhouse'
We are an Airsoft field
Also known as a shoot house, a "killhouse" is a live ammunition small arms shooting range used to train military and law enforcement personnel for close contact engagements in urban combat environments.
Airsoft devices are functional, replica firearms. They are usually made to scale and shoot BBs, small 6mm plastic balls. Their power varies per field. Here, the cap is 350 feet per second (FPS). You may bruise when hit.
BBs may cause bruising. Eye protection is required for all players. Minors are required to wear full face mask protection. Find more information on our waiver, here. All participants are required to also sign our field rules.
What people are saying about the Killhouse
First time in and already friendly faces to remember. Field was great and so were the players. Thanks again for a great time
After the reopening of the DSOC Killhouse, I must say I had an absolute blast! Again! If you want a very fast paced and stressfull game, with open and tight corners, this is the place to test your stuff! Also a great place to test your team communication skills. Will be back for more! Thank You!!!
Great place. John is dedicated to making this arena fun rather than being a stickler on rules. Even on a 4 person game (95 degree day) it was one of best experiences I've had in a while

We have 2 regular referees with a third ref on call. The on call ref is also our go to consultant.
Field Manager
John Dietzel

Sean McCullough
Eric Lin

Open on the last weekend of each month with a new field layout each game day.
Doors open at 9 a.m.
Games start at 11:00 a.m.
Doors close at 5:00 p.m.

D.S.O.C. Killhouse Gameplay
How we offer a SWAT simulation experience:

A closed, in-door environment
Multiple entrances for breaching
Movable walls for different scenarios
Ideal for squads and tactical use
Receptive staff to game play requests